Archives: Events

ILCA 6 Youth Europeans – Vilamoura, Portugal

Vilamoura Marina Vilamoura,, Vilamoura, Portugal

The 2025 ILCA 6 Youth Europeans will be held at the Capable Planet Clube Náutico in Marina de Vilamoura from Saturday, the 12th of April to Saturday, the 19th of […]

May TY BaseCamp Progromme

SailCoach has created the May TY BaseCamp with Irish school students in mind. However, we extend a warm welcome to sailors from other countries who wish to join this group […]

2025 ILCA 4 World Championship, San Pedro, California, USA

San Pedro, California, USA San Pedro, CA, United States

The 2025 ILCA 4 World Championship will be held at the San Pedro, California, USA at the Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club from Saturday, the 19th of July to Saturday, the 26th […]

2025 ILCA 6 Youth World Championships

San Pedro, California, USA San Pedro, CA, United States

The 2025 ILCA 6 Youth World Championship will be held at San Pedro, California, USA, at the Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club from Wednesday, the 30th of July, to Monday, the […]

ILCA U21 European Championships – Dublin, Ireland

Dun Laoghaire Dun Laoghaire, Dublin, Ireland

The 2025 ILCA U21 Europeans will be held in the town of Dun Laoghaire, Ireland, from Friday, 22nd of August 2025, to Friday, 29th of August 2025. We at SailCoach […]

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